访问计数 3806 (自2016年5月)
JiangZaile TO  micros/real-time toolkit | 组织文章
发布时间:2016-03-03 17:24
更新时间:2016-03-03 18:42

micros-rtt: A real-time toolkit for ROS applications



micros-rtt is about offering a real-time platform for robot applications.

A real-time system must not only manage system resources and offer a well defined

set of services to application programs but must also provide guarantees about the

timeliness of such services.

ROS nominally runs on Ubuntu Linux, which is not a real-time OS. The TCP protocol, which

often cause problems in real-time communication, is the only option in ROS when transferring

messages between nodes. So there is no guarantee of the reaction time when events happening.

We focus on two things to solve this problem:

1. Replace Linux kernel by Xenomai;

2. Use lock-free data structure when intraprocess communication happens.(based on OROCOS)

codes (GitHub) slides (843 KB)

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创建时间:2016-02-24 17:19